How make a Grapple Gun with Blueprints?

Hi People!

I want to do the 3D Maneuver Gear (- YouTube) with blueprints but I don’t know how to develop this…I know that I will need a input to fire a projectile…

This indie game below did exactly what I want…while holding a button ( Q or E or spacebar)


This may be something that may help you do something like that;

I dont think its attachments can be set in run time yet but you can make a suggestion in that thread!

Thank you! Let’s see if someone have another suggestion! :slight_smile:

Hey I’m working on something right now. That anime looks sick asFFFFF!

So I just had to give this a go. I have something working using the Cable Component. It was a bit tricky, but I’ll let you in on it soon.


Hey Sand,

This should get you started. I’m attaching a link on how to Create a Custom Crosshair and also attaching the Character Pawn with a Grappling Hook. Its basic but should get you that much closer to your remake. Let me know if you have any problems. This was really fun to make, I can’t wait to see what you do with it.

Custom Crosshair

Grapple Pawn

Thanks bro ^^

Thanks man! There is some connections I don’t know how they work here…I will start to study soon! Let’s test! :slight_smile:

When i put your character in field and hit play…my Editor crashed and opened this log

Ops…this time works! Yeah! This is a good start…i will study it more!!! THANKS!!

Happy to hear! Sorry I forgot to remove all the other references to the files. Let me know if you need any other help!

Hey, this is looking really great for what we need, but I was wondering where EndLocation is coming from? It keeps saying it can’t be found.

EndLocation isn’t currently accessible through Blueprint. I sort of hacked it into working. So you would need to use the uasset provided.

For whatever reason, when my team tries to run that provided uasset, everything just crashes completely. Still looking into it

I can walk you through it so your team is able to recreate it, rather then using that asset. I just did that to make it easier. Did you want to try to get on the Unreal IRC?

One question, is this grappling example firing directly to where the mouse is aiming? i get some weird results in unreal.

Apparently the problem i had is that i assumed that unreal defaulted the cursor to be locked to the center, thanks for the example!

Yes it is firing at the mouses location. Try enabling the mouse cursor in the Player Controller properties to see exactly where its going. This asset isn’t fully optimized, so I would suggest taking your own time to understand whats going on and tweak it to how it suits you.

One more little thing, how do you actually do to get the end location variable from the target child actor? I didn’t find any node for

EndLocation isn’t currently accessible through Blueprint. The one provided in the example needs the CableActor as the target Actor.

So how did you create that node that gets a variable from a target? I can’t seem to find it anywhere.