Hi everyone. Currently I’m using UE4.8.2. via the regular Epic Games Loader (not the Git build as far as I’m aware).
The problem I’m having is that the actors have collisions that refuse to work unless I enable the Simulate Physics option.
The game I’m working on is a top-down shooter.
There are mainly 3 actors in the game.
- The players ship.
- The bullets that the player can fire.
- The Asteroids that the player must shoot with the bullets.
The collision for the player ship seems to be working fine and have not discovered issues with that.
But the bullets won’t collide with anything unless I enable Simulate Physics on the object it collides on. If I enable the Physics on the bullet, then the ProjectileMovement stops working (which is explained in the documents).
This also counts for the Asteroid. It has the Character class due to the CharacterMovement so that it can move based on the AI’s Behavior Tree. The bullets will just ignore all the collision of the Asteroid unless I enable the Simulate Physics. (Then again, this will kill the CharacterMovement).
But when the Physics is disabled, I would expect to move it (due to the AI’s BT) but it wont. I’ve no clue why, everything is set proper and the BT is alive when I run the game.
The Asteroid collision settings
The Sphere_Collision (Asteroid)
The StaticMesh_Collision (Asteroid)
The Bullet collision settings
The Sphere_Collision (Bullet)
The StaticMesh_Collision (Bullet)
I’ve searched on the web for answers to this problem, but I’m really stuck with this. To make it worse, to continue with other parts of the game is pointless, since it’s based on the presence and destruction of the asteroids.
I hope someone can help me to set me in the right direction to find a solution to this problem.