Destructible Mesh collides with itself when inside of a blueprint

I have found that when you add a destructible mesh to a blueprint it starts acting differently. It will collide with it’s chunks and instantly explode.

The same destructible mesh with the same settings will stay together correctly outside of a blueprint.

I have produced this issue with a minimal number of steps in a brand new project with starter content.

  1. Make new project.
  2. Right click on SM_CornerFrame static mesh and select “Create Destructible Mesh.”
  3. Click on “Fracture Mesh” then “Save.”
  4. Right click on SM_CornerFrame_DM destructible mesh and select “Create Blueprint Using…”
  5. Go to components tab in the blueprint and select the root node (Destructible1)
  6. Under “Physics” turn off “Use Async Scene.”
  7. Under “Collision” turn on “Simulation Generates Hit Events.”
  8. “Compile” and “Save.”
  9. Place blueprint in scene.
  10. Hit “Play.”

Any advice on a workaround would be amazing. I have been stuck on this for a few days now.

Thanks for your time.



Thank you for your report. This is a known issue with destructible meshes in Blueprints. I can confirm that we do have a report in our database to fix it. Please let us know if you encounter any other unexpected behavior.


Is there an ETA on what release it’ll be fixed in? Also, are there any workarounds that you know of to have a DM work inside of a bp?