I have found that when you add a destructible mesh to a blueprint it starts acting differently. It will collide with it’s chunks and instantly explode.
The same destructible mesh with the same settings will stay together correctly outside of a blueprint.
I have produced this issue with a minimal number of steps in a brand new project with starter content.
- Make new project.
- Right click on SM_CornerFrame static mesh and select “Create Destructible Mesh.”
- Click on “Fracture Mesh” then “Save.”
- Right click on SM_CornerFrame_DM destructible mesh and select “Create Blueprint Using…”
- Go to components tab in the blueprint and select the root node (Destructible1)
- Under “Physics” turn off “Use Async Scene.”
- Under “Collision” turn on “Simulation Generates Hit Events.”
- “Compile” and “Save.”
- Place blueprint in scene.
- Hit “Play.”
Any advice on a workaround would be amazing. I have been stuck on this for a few days now.
Thanks for your time.