I found a weird bug recently while toying with my evolve system as this bug only happens in IOS but not Windows/Editor. Is it something I am doing wrongly or is it a bug?
Below are the steps to reproduce this issue:
Create a blueprint class (actor), name it BP_ParentTest
Give BP_Parent test a variable named EvolveType of type Class BP_ParentTest(Purple color)
Add a print node that prints “Hello” to BP_ParentTest EventTick
Create a child of BP_ParentTest and named it BP_ChildTest
Go back to BP_ParentTest and set the value of EvolveType to BP_ChildTest
Add input logic (press 1) and spawn BP_ChildTest on the level
BP_ChildTest EventTick will never run (This only happens on IOS, works fine on Editor and PC)
I assume it’s a bug but I’m curious for some more information on this. Have you checked this behavior on an empty project? I’m currently not able to check this out myself…
And are you able to check if this happens on Android as well?
I set up the first person template exactly as you described. When I launched the project on my iOS device, it opened up without any trouble and the print string began to spam me, due to being attached to the tick. Could you please tell me what type of template you’ve been using or perhaps provide the template to us directly to test?
Good news: after updating to 4.8.2 I can’t reproduce the steps that I mentioned.
Bad news: My original blueprint still does it and I have no idea why. It is a huge blueprint actor class for my base character and have many child derived from it. I don’t know if its related to “LogScript:Warning: FLatentActionManager::ProcessLatentActions: CallbackTarget is None.” which pops up every now and then randomly as I can’t find the source of the warning. Either that or my blueprint is corrupted.
If I do find a way to reproduce it or find the source of it, I will post here again or create a new post about it if this is closed.
Edit: I would love to provide the template I am working on along with its child blueprints. Where should I send it to?
I have, as of 4.8.2 it seems to be working fine, don’t even know what changed as the patch notes didn’t mention anything major. This bug is just weird, feels like my main character blueprint is corrupted somehow.
P.S. I wasn’t able to test this on android as I don’t own one.
If you don’t want the public to gain access to your project, you can simply zip the full project and upload it to a site such as where it’ll be private and then simply provide the link to me through the forums. You should be able to easily find me by typing in ’ '.
If you do not mind anyone else obtaining your project, simply enter the link as your next reply and I’ll look into the issue further for you.
As a side-note, please keep in mind that when upgrading projects between different versions of the engine, issues may occur within the blueprint or your project entirely due to many changes that happen with each update.
I have sent you a private message with the project link. Because this is a commercial project I could not make it public. I will be sure to post back here once I get an update.
Thank you for providing such detailed information, I was able to locate what you were talking about once you showed me. They had a minor difference in name and I did not realize that would be the same one.
With that being said, I have submitted a report, it could take a while before I hear back from our developers on whether or not this is intention or a bug but I will update you as soon as I hear back.
If you’d like to check up on this report in the future, please reference: UE-18866.