Why does play sound at location not play at location?

I put in the exact co-ordinates of my tower. The sound still played everywhere in the whole map.

I put the target to my tower, same thing,



Have you tried to play at attached. You could attach it to your P***OffRadius.

Or add Audio Component to BP and play that


I would suggest looking at the content examples. There are some really good sound setups for blueprints there.


I tried both of them, both still play in the whole map :confused:


Yup, happens here to.

Use to have it working in and old game, but deleted it.


i guess i shall move this to bug report then


I think I may have it.

I may be very wrong though, but I got a tingle.

Answer to follow.

Ok, this is me picking up stiff from other answers.

  1. Promote Variable.


  1. Compile, in that VAR you will see, Default Value, Drop that down and create a Sound Attentu…


When you open that you have these settings. I do not know what any other them do for sure, but have a play.


Got it to work, walk away and sound stops.

Can show you on Youtube.

YES thank you!! This is perfect :smiley:

thank you, from the future! :slight_smile:

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It’s only the attenuation that sets where the audio should play. If you don’t set the attenuation settings either in the cue file or by overriding it via settings in the blueprint then it will play everywhere.


Note that Distance Algorithm: Natural sounds much more, well, natural than Linear does. Details: Sound Attenuation in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation

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Five years later: still relevant, still works.
Some settings got renamed, some new settings appear, but the method is the same.

Don’t know why default blank attenuation settings aren’t actually attenuating anything.

Blank default attenuation means no attenuation which will cause an audio file to play everywhere.
You always want to create some attenuation files for various distances. Also, occlusion will block sounds so that can also contribute to why you might not hear an audio file play, especially if you’re spawning it inside of a mesh as the location is always the origin of the specified attachment point.
I always create duplicate attenuation files for occluded and non-occluded at the various distances.

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Your reasoning doesn’t make bad design any less bad.
The nodes are called “play sound at location” or something similar that makes one assume that it will be playing at location.
Not only the word “attenuation” doesn’t say anything about it being required for the node to function as its name suggests, it is well hidden under that arrow, suggesting that this parameter is at least optional and most likely doesn’t matter in most situations.
There’s no tip, no warning, noting at all.

It’s like selling a “self-driving car” that will self-drive you into a nearest wall and then answering to a complaint with “you should’ve bought separate self-driving unit and attached it to the steering gear”, ignoring the fact that the car came without steering wheel and its steering gear was well hidden.

No, there’s nothing about attenuation requirement in the manual.


SlayerGoury is obviously right.

Just a question: is there any way to change the default sound attenuation to a sound attenuation class I created? I don’t want to have to set it manually every single I use the ‘play sound at location’. Not to mention all the ones I already used before I realized I needed to set this manually…
I searched project settings but didn’t find any “default sound attenuation” to change to my class…

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Would it be possible to post the youtube link here so other people can solve the same problem?

Again dude…thanks from the future!

Thank that fixed my issue of sounds not playing some times.