'UnrealBuildTool.UnrealBuildTool' does not contain a definition for 'BuildingRocket'

I have built the engine from source using 4.8 … and everything is working … but when I try to switch my game (previously from 4.7.6) to the new source build, I get the error below.

Running C:/Development/Epic Games/Source/UnrealEngine/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe  -projectfiles -project="C:/Development/Gobbo Games/Kaboom Arena/KaboomArena/KaboomArena.uproject" -game -engine -progress
Discovering modules, targets and source code for game...
Errors detected while compiling C:\Development\Gobbo Games\Kaboom Arena\KaboomArena\Intermediate\Build\BuildRules\KaboomArenaProjectFileGeneratorModuleRules.dll:
c:\Development\Gobbo Games\Kaboom Arena\KaboomArena\Source\KaboomArenaServer.Target.cs(32,46) : error CS0117: 'UnrealBuildTool.UnrealBuildTool' does not contain a definition for 'BuildingRocket'
UnrealBuildTool Exception: ERROR: UnrealBuildTool encountered an error while compiling source files

What the hell is BuildingRocket?

Does anyone have any ideas?

The game switched fine to 4.7 Binary release but I get the same error (as above) when I switch to the 4.8 Binary release. I am using the Right-Click → Switch Unreal Engine Version.


Change BuildingRocket() portion of your GameServer.Target.cs (or CleanThirdPersonServer.Target.cs if you’re using the MMO kit) to IsEngineInstalled().

This was taken from other answers found on here.