Host - Not possessing controller automatically

Hey guys,

So I just set up a new map with a player blueprint, and when the map is started directly in the editor it works fine, the player can move.
However, when I host a game, it loads the map and the player. But the player doesn’t move at all…

What could be causing this? Have I missed something?
The gamemode is set correctly through the project settings.


Anyone? I’d really like some help here…

Is your Player set to be Replicated and Replicating Movement?

Normaly, if you set the replicate bool correctly and the Class is the Default Pawn class in your GameMode,
it should work out of the box.

Only special movement that is not triggered by CharacterMovementComponent functions needs to be replicated by hand.

Hey eXi,

Thank you for your reply. I found out that I forgot to set the focus to the Game Viewport and I had to set the input mode to Game Only. After I did that, everything worked.

Problem solved.
I forgot to set the focus to the Game Viewport and the input mode to Game Only. After I did that everything worked like a charm.