How to use Tegra Android Development Pack (4.0r1) and run with OpenGLES31 on Shield Tablet(TegraK1)

I’ve installed TADP(4.0r1) to run with OpenGLES31 on ShiledTablet(TegraK1),

watching this mov(Setting Up Nvidia Shield Tablet with Unreal Engine 4 - YouTube)

Ive tried in this order.

-DL UE4 source code.

-Excecuted SetUp.bat, GenerateProjectFiles.bat

-Opened UE4.sln with VS2013 Express

-Build “Development-Editor” “Win64”

-Changed Config/BaseEngine.ini ES2=false, ES31=true.

-Build “Development” “Win64”

-Build “Development” “Android”

-run Engine/Binaries/UE4Editor

-packaging “Android(DXT)” (cant find “Android ES31+AEP” at Android List) and get XXX-armv7-es31.apk files.

-run the apk and get the error
GlobalShader.cpp (line:391) "GlobalShaderCache-GL

I have some questions.

-1. Do I have to use Nsight Tegra Visual Studio Edition and VS2013 Proffesional?

-2. At Solution Platform , I cant select “Tegra-Android”(Just only “Android”). is it correct?

-3. In my Editor, I cant find “Android ES31+AEP” at packaging list. Ive failed building Editor?

(but, Project Config - Platform-Android - Build - “Support OpenGL ES31 + AEP” is Checked(also ES2 is unchecked)).

-4. when installing TADP, I have to check android-19 (without Android-21), right?

Thread: Updating to new versions of TADP

-5. >GlobalShader.cpp (line:391) “GlobalShaderCache-GLSL_310_ES_EXT.bin is missing”
I cant find this bin file. How to make this file?

1 - Using TADP to get the SDK/NDK/debugger is recommended, and will include the Nsight. You don’t need it if you aren’t debugging in Visual Studio tho.

2 - Android is what you would see in the drop down when selecting platform.

3 - We’ve removed ES31+AEP as a target, as that was implying DXT texture format. The new way is just that check box, which can work with any texture format.

4 - The version of TADP that we include with UE4 has the right stuff already selected. You need 19, but 21 shouldn’t hurt to have as well.

5 - That is generated during cooking if the check box is fixed. Can you post a log of your packaging?

Josh, thanks for your comment! Its very helpful!

3- Ive retried building and restarted Editor, and now I could select “ES31+AEP” as a target of Android Package.

5- Thanks, now I fixed this error ( I retried building Development-Editor and Debug-Editor : Win64).

By the way, in 4.8(or 4.8.1?), ES31 is driven solely by check-box without building source code?

4.8 still needs to build for ES31, but everything is driven by the check box.

thanks Josh, I wish it becomes simple more as building source takes time.