Hey guys,
I’m trying to setup my custom gamemode through it’s blueprint construction script - mostly because at some point in the future i want to dynamically load values such as max player count from a seperate database. Now, if i create variables and assign default values to them it carries over into the actual game, if i try to manipulate them in the construction script, however, it seems to have no effect - as if it was never called at all. Is this a bug or am i doing something wrong? Is anyone else experiencing this?
As a follow-up in case someone is facing a similar issue, this can be resolved by switching to standalone-mode instead of editor preview. I feel really dumb for spending a whole day on workarounds before trying this, so learn from my mistake!
AFAIK the construction script does NOT fire at the beginning of the game but only when this instance is created or manipulated in the editor in any way. So if you play in the editor it was long ago created when you start the simulation. In standalone mode the object must be created first (because there is no editor) , so it works as expected.
Use event begin play if you don’t need an instant reaction while still in creator mode.
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