Not really sure if this is a bug. But i noticed that if your movement mode is flying, and you are against a wall it registers as the movement component as not falling (not in air).
I have been struggling since 8am, its now 2pm. Rebuilt most of my blueprints trying to figure out exactly what is happening. Eventually i picked up that the movement component registers this incorrectly.
I am not sure if this is intended behavior or not. Thought i would bring it to your attention.
Its really hard to say how to reproduce this as my setup is pretty complicated and i currently do not have the time to build and test this for bug report purposes.
But if anyone else runs into something like this… as a workaround i dont do a is character falling check anymore. Instead i do that and additional checks for the current movement mode. For example flying and then manually control the bool for this.
When setting the movement mode, Flying and Falling are two separate modes so they can be used to drive different things like animations, etc. When in Flying mode, the default state is not falling. This is actually intended behavior. Are you seeing something different? And it changes when moving against a wall?
In my case it did change when i was in flying mode, when not near a wall, is falling would register as true, and occasionally when i am against a wall it would change to false. and back to true when i moved away from the wall.
As for if the above could be a bug… truthfully its very much intermittent what i described, but did cause some headaches.
It could also just be projected related considering that switch between flying and walking often depending on which animations i require.
Now that i know how it works i can avoid it in future.