I have a widget setup to display when you overlap a trigger on an actor BP. The widget has a button that should be clickable. I made sure I have an event binded to the button on click. I have tried in the actor bp all of the bools that enable any kind of mouse interaction and I am still not able to click the button. This is all done in 2d. I have the character input still enabled when the mouse shows up. You can move the mouse around but the button refuses input.
This widget works perfectly in the character BP. But when I try to use it inside an actor I cannot get input
Still would like to know if this is possible. Anyone know for sure that this is not possible?
I’m trying to figure this out too
I think I am just going to say this is not possible right now. No one has been able to answer this.
Found a fix to this! There is a bug. Try this. Open up the actor blueprint, select the widget(s) under the components tab, in the details tab on the right, look for the UI section, and change the UI pivot to (0,0). You’ll then have to re-position your widget. Let me know if this works for you.
Oh and check Interaction Distance right under pivot
There is an easy way if I have got you right.
You have the widget made so it spawns in the correct position?
Inside you player, enable mouse and disable input if you want mouse only input.
Create Widget, Add to Viewport, from there you could run script like this. Run a custom script to do what ever you want.
Here, I am changing Widgets, that is all, but you could do anything.
WORKS! Thanks!
You there man ?