How large is the object you are trying to break? There are times when an object is so large that it takes an immense amount of force to break it. If you scale down the actor and it breaks that may be the issue.
Thank you!
How large is the object you are trying to break? There are times when an object is so large that it takes an immense amount of force to break it. If you scale down the actor and it breaks that may be the issue.
Thank you!
I have tried for an hour to destroy a destructible mesh I created from a static mesh (a sphere). No matter what I do to the destructible actor, it won’t break. I tried shooting it with the FPS ball-rifle, I tried dropping it from great heights and I tried applying damage or force via blueprints. What am I doing wrong?
Still doesn’t work for me. I tried recreating the scenario from the content examples with the same values, still my mesh won’t break. It does when I put it into the content example map with the destructible elements but not when I try it in my own project.
Thank you anyway!
#Radius Damage Node
use the radius damage that is in the category of destructible
as distinct from radial damage for actors
Can you walk me through what you are doing? The FPS template ball-rifle doesn’t actually do any applied damage, it only applies force on an object struck. This will push a mesh but not destroy it. How did you apply the damage to the destructible mesh and what do you mean when you say destructible element? Are you right clicking and setting the mesh to make destructible and it only works in one of the two projects?
Thank you,
A few things to get you started:
Does this help?
Yes, I create a destructible mesh from a static mesh (the static mesh has a build scale of 100 for the correct size, if that matters). Then I place it next to a radial force actor with high settings. The mesh (with applied physics) might move a bit but it will never break, no matter what settings I use for the radial force actor. I even played with the damage threshold setting in the physics material.
At zak.parrish:
Thank you but still it doesn’t work. I uploaded a project I created for this problem here, in case anyone wants to look at it: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/7yul096yddwv2vy/DestructionProblem.rar?dl=1
Please see additional information here:
Check this guys tutorial:
I’ve got the same problem. I converted the vase from the the Realistic Rending tutorial and I’ve tried dropping it, apply damage radius and still nothing.
I think i figured another solution to the problem !(i was having the same one…) use the Projectiles collision mesh and change its type so that it collides all.,Screenie to follow
I had a similar problem. Just drag the destructible to the scene, click on your destructible, and go to the details window. Then make sure that “simulation generates physics” parameter is false. Then in level blueprint call “OnComponentHit” and “Set Simulate Physics” and set your destructible as a target.
That’s basically all I did and it works.