I just ported my project from 4.6 to 4.7 and literally 99% of everything I’ve added in blueprints in the entire game doesn’t work at all. It either doesn’t show up or has a crazy effect.
My zoom fov is zooming into a single pixel point.
My sprint modifier stops me dead.
It appears that every single existing float variable that’s present in the game is reading as 0 when I go to output it to screen. If I create a new float variable, it seems to hold and it reads the value fine but I have hundreds of these things being used all over the place and I don’t even know where to begin to attempt and repair this.
EDIT: Renaming the variable and compiling the blueprint seems to solve the issue.
Unsure if INT, BOOL, BYTE, ENUM, STRING…etc are affected yet.
UPDATE: It appears every variable with a default value has been wiped clean. Any variables that set their values are still ok.
When I rename variables in a parent blueprint, it wipes all of the default values in every single child blueprint.
This is game breaking and I am forced to remain on 4.6
Update: INTs are broken
I duplicated the project and converted in place to 4.7 and I also ran 4.7 and opened as a copy and the results are the same.
I’m currently trying to reproduce this so we can get the issue resolved, but I’m finding it hard to reproduce what you are describing and was wondering if you could take a few minutes to try and help me get a repro on this issue.
So far I have tried generating very simple blueprints that make use of the default values of float variables. Think something along the lines of 5 float variables with non zero defaults displayed using a sequence of print strings on a begin play event. I have created the same blueprint in 4.5/4.6 and copied to 4.7 with no problems so far, I also created a new project in 4.6 and recreated these assets then migrated a copy of this to 4.7 - again no problems.
If you create a similar blueprint in 4.6 and copy it to 4.7, I would be curious to know if you experience the same issues and if so could you possibly attach that blueprint to this thread?. This way I can take a look at an asset we know is suffering from these problems and rule out any missing steps trying to reproduce.
Mortusnyte, yea I still have my 4.6 version that works fine and is what I’m still working on until this can be solved.
Ben, I haven’t seen a single person in the Skype group or anywhere in the forums or anything experience the same issue as me. I’m quite certain if I start a new project that it will transfer over fine. Something is inside my particular project that is causing this as I’ve tried it several times now and I keep getting the same thing.
Since we probably can’t pinpoint the repro very easily, I’m zipping up the entire project and uploading it to my website. It will be roughly 1.75gb and take 25mins to upload.
Is there a private email or message box I can send this link to you at? Or could you maybe add me on Skype and we can work it out that way? I’m “hitpawz”.
Looking at it myself, it’s going crazy mainly due to all of the variables not being set correctly to feed the whole chain of events properly like setting meshes and whatnot.
The entire project is uploaded. Let me know if you would like the link and if so, please give me a private location to forward that to you.
I believe I am also facing the same issue, so you’re not alone! I’ve noticed at least two instances of this in my port of my project from 4.6.1 to 4.7.0. One is a float variable with a default value of 60, which the editor is reading as 0 during runtime, and the other is a vector, value of (0,1,0), which the editor is reading as (0,0,0) at runtime. I’ve not had any time to investigate my project further - I’m sticking on 4.6.1 for now. However, if Epic would like my project as an example to see for themselves, I’m sure I can get it to them!
I don’t want to mark this as a full blown answer for this because there’s still a problem.
Thanks to Dan, the fundamental problem has been discovered. It turns out the problem lies in the fact that the child blueprint has had all of its default values reset. The main blueprint itself is actually fine.
Resetting the child blueprint’s variables does actually fix it but here’s the lingering problem. None of that persists across editor sessions as every time I reload the project, that same blueprint keeps having its values wiped out. The editor won’t let me delete the child either due to it being referenced all over the place in casts and basically errors out when I try to replace references on delete.
It doesn’t take a long time to go through the child blueprint and hit the yellow arrows on all the values to reset them to default, but it still doesn’t answer why it keeps wiping itself.
No problems with not marking as an answer, I’m on the periphery now with this and I’m sure Dan will give me a kick if he wants my help, but it looks like Dan’s clearly on point with this one.
This was caused by default values for inherited values being initialized to zero, rather than the values in their ‘super’ blueprint. For instance, lets say I have two blueprints: BP_Super, and BP_Child. with BP_Child being based on BP_Super. Values in BP_Child could show up as 0, even if they were set to something non-zero in BP_Super.
This error has been fixed by this github pr. It will be included in 4.7.3.
This github link gives me 404 error… It seems like it’s the same bug like in THIS topic, it’s great that it has been fixed, but when we can expect 4.7.3? And why not 4.7.2?
4.7.2 is on its way out the door. 4.7.3 is the next available build. If the github link is giving you a 404 error make sure that you’re logged in to a UE associated github account.
Awesome sleuthing guys. 4.7 is a wonderful release. Thanks for taking the time to investigate it and getting me personally back on track while you worry about everybody else too. Much appreciated.