Unknown Cook Error


I am trying to test launch my game on a Nexus 5 but the cook shuts down giving me an Unknown Cook Error.

The project is in Blueprints. Can anyone help me understand how to fix this please?

Thank you.


Out of curiosity, I checked build for other platforms and all of them are giving me the same problem.


I think you should consider this and check if that solves the problem

LogProperty:Error: UStructProperty::Serialize Loading: Property ‘StructProperty /Game/SaveGame/MySaveGame.MySaveGame_C:CharStatInstance’. Unknown structure.

LogCollisionProfile:Warning: Profile (UI) - Custom Channel Name = ‘Weapon’ hasn’t been found

No problem :). Glad it worked o ut.

Could you post your DefaultEngine.ini so I can take a look at it if there is some sort of a custom channel in it.

And if so, is this kind of a template you used or built upon an already existing project provided by the Engine?

Thank you Martin.
I can now cook. Apparently I had to check the “Save Game” box in the blueprint instance details.

I am still getting the collision channel name “weapon” not found. No idea what that means. Never touched any custom channels.

Here’s the engine ini.

I used the paper2d template minus the starter content.

I’m also having this problem now: Travel Failure. Invalid URL - World Creation - Epic Developer Community Forums

Thanks for your help btw.