Can you explain it more specific ?
“Add to your “Project.Build.cs” following:” where is this file?
I did conversion to vs2013 the multidll was already selected for me and the build went without errors, just i dont have the file you mention to add that last line, when i start UE4 and go to the plugins it does not show up.
Please Help
Thanks, I got that file and added that line in there.
All goes fine but the plugin still does not show up in my plugins list though :S
I get no compile errors when i compile it, still no plugin showing up in my plugin browser, only the ones which come with unreal.
I wonder if someone could help me out getting this plugin inside UE4 working, as my game needs a lobby server to browse the games, unfortunetly UE4 only support that with steam, which i dont realy like to use, as they decide to release your game or not.
I use unity as well but i like UE4 more, just the networking is still behind with features.
Anyone can help me out to get this plugin working i would apreciate.
@ newbprofi Did you get it compiled as a plugin ?
Could you share the plugin or make a clear how to do this as I am still stuck.
It would help a lot of people if we would more easy understand.
My coding skill is at a very low level (as others) please help us out.