Unreal engine crashes

Hi guys. I just downloaded Unreal Engine 4 and can’t launch it. problem I suspect is that my computer doesn’t have required graphic card. It simply has integrated Intel graphic card. Is it possible that’s cause or any ohter ideas? UDK launches perfectly, no problems with that. Thanks very much.


Could you please post your crash callstack and your dxdiag? If you are worried that your system is not meeting requirements, you can read recommended requirements from FAQ:

Desktop PC or Mac

Windows 7 64-bit or Mac OS X 10.9.2 or later

Quad-core Intel or AMD processor, 2.5 GHz or faster

NVIDIA GeForce 470 GTX or AMD Radeon 6870 HD series card or higher



Hi, when I’ve tried to copy callstack from crash window by pressing “copy callstack to clipboard” I got:
We apologize for inconvenience.
Please send this crash report to help improve our software.

If you can tell me how else can I give you required info I’ll be more than happy to provide it.
About my specs:
only thing I am missing is that I have integrated intell’s HD graphics. I suspected that this may cause crash but I’ve read on internet that people were able to run UE4 with this graphics so I don’t think this is problem. I’ve also applied all patches available

Anyone? I really need help with this.

Would you be able to post a screenshot of what you see when it crashes?

Hi, this is window I’m getting (it is happening every time I try to launch it):

Hi ,

  • Is your machine Windows or Mac?
  • What are your exact system specs? If on Windows you can run dxdiag.exe, Save All Information, and upload text file here.
  • After crash occurs, please provide us with .LOG and .DMP files from your [project]/Saved/Logs folder. Additionally, you can please send us CrashReportClient.log file located in C://Program Files/Unreal Engine/4.0/Engine/Programs/CrashReportClient/Saved/Logs/.


I have same problem and it wont work …

Hi, please find required files under this address:


Copy content of file from this address:

and replace content of Engine/Source/Runtime/Windows/D3D11RHI/Private/D3D11StateCachePrivate.h with copied content.


can you post it on another link if it worked for you ? this link is dead

Hi, yes it did work, link doesn’t seem to be dead:https://github.com/-penwarden/UnrealEngine/blob/4917533f7c2b23464a8ae4c19d4db67ac7df768b/Engine/Source/Runtime/Windows/D3D11RHI/Private/D3D11StateCachePrivate.h but if you have problems accessing it I will attach it here ( correct file), simply change extension from .txt to .h and replace with this file file in location I’ve mentionedlink text

Hi Triple3M, if you cannot view link, then it may be because you do not have an active GitHub account which is synced to your UnrealEngine account. Please follow this link for additional information.

I am running into a crash problem specifically when I try to scale an object in my level. Same crash screen as was posted above. problem only appears to happen with our Lenovo desktops, not on my Lenovo W541 laptop. (Because laptop doesn’t crash I assume it is not a performance issue). Anyone else having problems with UE4.10.1 on Lenovo S30 desktops?

Hi zuckerberg,

Please create a new post with your dxdiag and crash details. This post is almost 2 years old, and it’s not likely same problem. Thank you!