A timeline combined with a lerp is pretty good in this type of case. The former provides the alpha for the latter, over time:
I have this blueprint
The actor moves to the new position on trigging, but it just jumps instantly. How do I make it move to the second point in space smoothly over time. I figure you would use a timeline or Lerp, but I have no clue how to set it up. Any help would be great!
Brilliant thanks! Is that time track just a float called alpha? or does it need a actual color track?
Worked great! Thanks for the help. Now I just have to figure out how to get those values to increase the drag on the particle system and I’m golden! Thanks so much for the help!
Jolly good! And yeah, the alpha is just a float track in the timeline. I like to name the tracks so they match the name of their destination whenever possible. If it worked well, please mark the answer as accepted.
Not sure how to mark this resolved? Thanks for the help, it’s really appreciated!
Hi, I used the answer, but how do I control the speed? Because it is very fast and I would need something that moves very slowly towards the other point. Thank you
This is not working for me.
I set it up exactly as you have, but as soon as the timeline starts it RUSHES to the end location in a matter of 2 seconds.
Even though the timeline has a lenght of 50seconds (value goes from 0 - 1)
When I eject and try to move the object, it snaps back to the “end” location that I set.
When I “Print String” the float value form the timeline, it shows me that it goes from 0-1 in 50 seconds
And when I “Print String” the location value, it goes to my end location in 2 seconds.
Whats going on here?
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You should only be getting the location at the start, not for every tick it moves. Store it to a variable at the start and then use that variable instead.
Hello,if you are looking to move a character to another point when on a event overlap and this point is moving in real time like a black whole you can use a custom event to update the location of the spell blueprint and promote it to a variable then make a timer about this event like every 0.01 s and looping option,then set the variable the location result.