Engine Version: Unreal Engine 4.6.1
I drag and drop a new BSP Box Brush into a level and drag box up above floor, then I press End key and it does not drop to floor.
Engine Version: Unreal Engine 4.6.1
I drag and drop a new BSP Box Brush into a level and drag box up above floor, then I press End key and it does not drop to floor.
It seems like a bug → it has already been reported several times
e.g No Snap to Surface feature - Community & Industry Discussion - Epic Developer Community Forums
Hi KnightTechDev,
This is a known issue with BSPs in 4.6, and has been resolved in 4.7:
Thanks for report!
Yes, there’s something else I noticed it impacts and produces random results, but this post has been closed already and I haven’t tested it on 4.7 yet, so I don’t want to make any duplicate posts.