OSX: Version 9.2.0
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT 512 MB
Do you have any pending software updates? There is a good possibility that your graphics drivers are out of date.
Hey crackpots, thanks for suggestion. Unfortunately I’m all up to date. entire UI is broken for me. It looks like shaders are failing to build or something like that :(. Any other suggestions are welcome.
I want to say we’ve seen this here in past, but I don’t remember cause. Going to ping some of our rendering and platform guys to chime in.
Hey Daniel! Thanks for that :). I can do a full dump of my OpenGL profile and system info, if you like?
I have same problem It seems that my video card is not suitable, I thought I’d try it but specs they recommend are min specs I think.
[2014.03.21-13.16.08:772][ 0]LogRHI:Warning: OpenGL debug output extension not supported! [2014.03.21-13.16.08:772][ 0]LogRHI:Warning: OpenGL debug output extension not supported! [2014.03.21-13.16.08:797][ 0]LogRHI: Initializing OpenGL RHI
21-03-14 15:10:15,933 UnrealEngineLauncher-Mac-Shipping[1009]: Could not connect action OnEULAAccepted: to target of class UE4AppDelegate 21-03-14 15:10:16,592 UnrealEngineLauncher-Mac-Shipping[1009]: invalid drawable
Hey folks,
Take a look at this thread and see if anything helps:
Feel free to post any updates or questions there. I’ll be closing this thread as it duplicates that issue and we’d like to keep our answers together. Thanks for understanding, and I hope issue gets resolved for you!