This is a known issue with 4.5 (TTP# 348178 and 346669) that has since been fixed internally. Unfortunately, fix is part of a new Blueprint menu system and won’t make it into engine until 4.6.
In meantime, all nodes should still appear, but you might need to check or uncheck Context Sensitivity to find it. You can also use Palette window in some cases.
Actually this is horrible news. Productivity has plummeted since now I’m noticing even more, i have to check context sometimes and other times not. For instance “Make Array” doesn’t show up without context checked but does with it checked. Its a very poor decision to let this persist, i feel like I’ve come to a grinding halt & context menus were #1 feature in blueprint.
I spoke with developers and they informed me that 4.5 Preview has a new option in Editor Preferences > Experimental for Use New Blueprint Menuing System. If you enable that, it should fix most of context sensitive problems. They have since found and fixed other issues that will still be present in 4.5, but this should ease some of workflow disruption in meantime.
It is also fixed in our internal build, so you could build from source with latest commit and use that. Hope that helps!
Setting this use New Blueprint Menuing System made more than a significant improvement. If there are bugs I’ve not noticed and balance has been restored to Blueprints
Use New Blueprint Menuing System fixed same bug for me, but now it’s introduced another. I can no longer cast my objects to blueprints. In fact, if I turn context off in blueprint menu, NONE of my blueprints show up as a Cast to option.
Thanks for pointing that out. That has been fixed in our internal build and will likely be fixed in 4.6 as part of new Blueprint menuing system. It appears it was one of issues that was not fixed in time for 4.5 Release’s New Blueprint Menuing System experimental option.
I will check with developers and see if there’s any way to hotfix that. In meantime, you’ll need to disable that experimental feature when you need to search for a cast to node, and then enable it again when you’re done.
Cast to is a pretty critical piece of work flow. I’d almost say this renders blueprints unusable. I really hope you can get a hot fix otherwise we’re stuck on 4.4.3 until 4.6
Cast To is still functional, you just need to toggle between disabling new menu system and enabling new menu system while in 4.5 when searching for node using right-click option in Event Graph. I understand that’s a hassle, and I’ll let you know if we’re able to hotfix system in 4.5.
Having to turn an experimental feature on and off everytime you want to use a castto seems like it would hurt productivity more than just living with broken context sensitive search (a checkbox 1 inch away vs. 1 2 menus and a window away …)
Maybe that’s just me though, in any event this has to be one of more frustrating things going, this and cursor jumping off of spinners lol.
Yes, they are both irritating issues and I understand your frustration. Both are fixed for 4.6, which is not far from being released. Thanks for your patience until then!
If anyone is still looking for an answer, I found that you need to look at “My Blueprint” tab and find your interface function under there and double click to open it.