(Built) UE4 Editor crashes on startup, ShaderCompileWorker has crashed

Hello everyone!

I’ve got the following problem: After successfully compiling UE4 and trying to start the editor, the engine crashes on startup. I’ve tried almost everything I could find on the net, including:

1.) Recompiling

2.) Getting the latest Visual Studio Framework

3.) Installing the latest Direct X11, from June 2010

4.) Checking I’ve got the latest Service Pack 1 for Windows

Right now I’m at the end of my wits. I’ve attached a screenshot of the error message, and I’m grateful for every piece of advice I can get. Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:


Hey, SureAI.

Thanks for posting this. I’ve been investigating the issue and this could help us find the cause. If not, it’s a useful workaround for any other users with this problem.

Okay, after trying about everything I could think of, I “solved” the problem by copying and pasting the entire UE4 from one of my colleagues. Though I don’t know exactly what went wrong, I suspect it hat something to do with the build itself. Hopefully this helped someone!

You must instal the Visual Studio Framework and if thats not helping you must instal the free Visual Studio community pack and its solves all your problems :wink: