Configure UE4 Code Templates to use VS2012

I have a copy of Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate which I want to use so I can learn UE4. However, it is prompting to use VS 2013 instead as seen below:

Would it be possible to configure this for VS2012 instead? Visual Studio 2013 ain’t the cheapest tool on the block.


You should download Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop - it’s free.

Unreal Engine 4 has been developed using Visual Studio 2013 and you compiled him with visual studio 2013.That is the reason why is it neccesary

Hey benjamin-wss-

As cgrebeld stated it is possible to get the Express version of Visual Studio 2013 from their website. You do not have to worry about a trial period for its use, you are able to use it as much as you like once you’ve downloaded it and the express version works perfectly with the Unreal Engine 4.


Not the most ideal but it will do. Thanks for you help and cgrebld :slight_smile: