Does Blueprint Interface code not carry to children?

I’ve set up a blueprint interface in a parent actor and code in the Interface function on that parent actor, however when I create a child only the interface carries over, but not the code, so the interface function is just blank and I have to redo all the same code for each child actor.

what I am trying to do is set up a pickupbase actor with the majority of the code for all information and such (name, description, quatity, etc). But if I have to repeat the same code for all children then there is no point in doing everything in the parent actor other than class referencing.

Am I missing something? Does Blueprint Interface code carry over to children or does on the interface and you have to recreate all the code for each child?

I figured out what was going on shortly after making this post.

What was happening was I was clicking on the Interface function in the child actor, that would in tern automatically create a local function, over righting the interface inherited code. once i deleted the new “local” version of the code everything reverted back to the intended outcome.

I hope that explains what happened and can help others who might lose a few hours trying to figure this out like I did.

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