Hello, I tried to export my map into single file heighmap, instead of that UE5 export 256 mini proxie heighmap… how the hell Epic think we are gona deal with that format… ??? I need to modify it in photoshop and it’s seem impossible to do it in UE5…
do you guys know a trick to combine them back to a single heighmap ? or it’s there a script or a program that could merge them back together ??
How large is your map? 256 proxies? I think its quite large than. The problem would be also to import it back in Unreal 5. I couldnt import a single map over 36kx36k Pixels. Single Maps above crashed the engine with a Vram error. I have 24GB vram and 128gb ram.
It’s a pretty big one, 4033x4033, my problem is not vram or memory but a limitation of the tools.
I don’t understand Epic, who releases this without tools to handle it? Most people just create WP and don’t change it, but in my case this heighmap will change a lot until the game is finished. I can’t change the individual part of this heighmap, it would take a long time.
Imagine that you have to make a change to the whole terrain in several places, it would make more sense to do it in a paint software than to scult each of these parts one by one in Unreal.