In a map with world partition, add some static meshes, then execute ‘Build->Build HLODs’, the result is empty. I try to set default hlod layer for map, or set a hlod layer to actors, all ways turns out empty hlod building result.
The message is below:
HLOD build completed:
[2022.06.22-12.28.23:088][ 0]LogWorldPartitionHLODsBuilder: Display: #### World contains 0 HLOD actors ####
[2022.06.22-12.28.23:088][ 0]LogWorldPartitionHLODsBuilder: Display: #### Building 0 HLOD actors ####
[2022.06.22-12.28.23:088][ 0]LogWorldPartitionHLODsBuilder: Display: #### Built 0 HLOD actors ####
[2022.06.22-12.28.23:089][ 0]LogWorldPartitionBuilderCommandlet: Display: Execution took 35 ms
[2022.06.22-12.28.23:089][ 0]LogInit: Display:
[2022.06.22-12.28.23:089][ 0]LogInit: Display: Success - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s)