Will I be able to convert my mobile game from UE4.11 to UE4.12 safely when it is released?

I wanted to know whether I must wait for UE4.12 to be released or I can keep on creating my game in 4.11 then convert that to .
I need some features which are not working in 4.11 for mobile games and gonna be fixed in . features like decal materials on static meshes in LDR mode as I already asked about here

Ultimately it’s up to you to decide if an Upgrade is the best choice for your project and understand all the changes that have been made, which can be found in the full release notes once the final build is released.

You’ll want to make a copy of your project and test out the latest final build when it is released. After testing and making sure no functionality was broken you’ll want to decide if upgrading for you is the best choice.

When testing functionality and something appears different from the previous release make sure to check the Full Release notes thoroughly for any changes that could affect your game. Sometimes there are things that get deprecated and replaced with a newer function that you’ll need to plan for. This example is common with Blueprints when there is a bigger functionality change.

We always recommend for anyone to stay on a build they are developing on until they reach a point where they absolutely need features or bug fixes from a later build. Then when you upgrade you have to plan that you’ll need time to make sure things work properly. It’s all up to personal preferences, but there is no requirement other than I wouldn’t personally develop in any of the Preview releases since these are actively being developed and are prone to issues. The preview releases are for testing purposes only.

I hope this helps.


I have begun to design only the appearance of my levels in so I can use decals and I am gonna leave functionalities until gets developed.

what do you think? Am I in a right way?

I can’t fully recommend it since there have been some in the past who have run into issues when you finally upgrading to the final release version. Personally I’ve not run into these types of issues, but most of the things I do have been rendering setups for scenes, but nothing deeply BP or code oriented that I would have to really worry about.

You can give it a try, but be aware that there is always the possibilities of issues that we cannot foresee because it’s a build that is known to be in active development.