Okay !! I have this weird weird weird overlap issue. And i am in need of some sincere help.
I have a primary actor, called Hero, which is set to overlap another actor, which is an empty BP Class, and holds just a collision box.
For sake of simplicity, i’ll refer to the collision box actor, simply as box.
Now the Hero, on overlap is set to cast to the box, and on success, it is supposed to destroy itself.
They both are in line of sight of each other.
Now, even when they are about 100meters apart, the Hero generates an overlap event and destroys itself.
Whaaaaaat?? how is that heavenly possible?
The box has other instances too, but they don’t do the same thing.
It is just this instance that causes this thing to happen.
Now, after all debugging solutions. I did a simple thing.
I moved the box a bit downward, and voila… no more death for the Hero.
Can someone please help me understand, how could this be happening??
Is there something, i would not have setup correctly?
Please help.