Why won't my player character damage enemies?

Can anyone help me diagnose a (probably silly) issue here? I’ve tested my enemy AI and other player characters against each other with (seemingly) identical BP setups and they can all damage each other just fine. But the big guy here, despite having proper line tracing all figured out and damage-dealing values set, can’t seem to hurt anyone when his swings hit 'em. Why might that be? I have the weapon notified, you can see by the red lines that he’s making contact… hmm.

EDIT: One more twist: With my other characters, I’ll get a “trace hit color: green” line on contact. With this guy, the red line just shortens when touching the enemy; it never goes green. Does that give anyone ideas as to what’s up?

put a print string on hit actor and see what its hitting

Two things–

  1. Can you explain how to put a string on something?

  2. When I use the other characters with this setup, the event graph never lights up, even when impacting an enemy. So when I visually look at the flow of things, there’s no difference when using this player character as opposed to the others

Found the issue, though I don’t know WHY it’s the issue. Right there in the pic, under “line trace by channel,” you can see the trace channel set to “visibility.” Switching it to “camera” fixed my issue. Go figure.

this isnt a fix though, it will cause problems later.

it does tell you that it was colliding with something it shouldnt, there is a built in not called ‘print string’ attach it to hit actor and it’ll tell you what its hitting, then you can fix or ignore the collision channel