Why was Blueprint Nativization removed? (NO code preaching)

There were several issues with nativization, most can be considered as limitations rather than bugs actually. It would’ve been more valuable (and effective) to list the known issues they have been gathered over the course of years and communicate it with us (or just post it in the forums at least), so people can learn the use of nativization more efficiently.

UE_DEPRECATED(5.0, “Blueprint Nativization has been removed as a supported feature. This setting is no longer exposed for editing and will eventually be removed.”)

ref: https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/commit/11c00323ea9dc67a6433fa3420c38ef643f6cfa3#diff-4cd39c438bdaa8f0160692ce19304f1d1c12833f227dd3102ea4cf53563e3f95