Why this don't work?

This only goes on false branch.

Character Blueprint:
T posted by anonymous | blueprintUE | PasteBin For Unreal Engine
Level Blueprint:
T2 posted by anonymous | blueprintUE | PasteBin For Unreal Engine

you have an input event that sets bool to true.

the other nodes beneath that are never ran so they wont do anything.

in the character blueprint, if false is always running, that means that the input event is not reaching. Many reasons this could be true, but what stands out is that the boolean you are setting true in the level blueprint doesn’t belong to the character class.

You could put a print string on event tick in the character blueprint and plug the boolean into it. Then you can watch in real time to see if it changes while in PIE.

You ought to do a handful of beginner tutorials, they will teach you a lot of important prerequisite info about classes, blueprint communications,etc.

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Thank you mate for taking your time and explain this to me. Also I want to thank you for explaining to me how to make this work. <3