Why my Groom Plugin Cannot Find DDC?

Dear forum users,
To apply meta-humans to the game, i imported their characters and produced groom binding asset through their groom asset.

But every time I run the engine, there is an issue that Groom Asset refers to DDC normally, but Groom Binding Asset’s DDC does not refer to it properly.

It has been confirmed that when creating the GroomBinding asset, the data is normally put in the Archive in their Build function and the DDC Key value is normally created and referenced in the Engine Load process, but the data brought up using this key value is always zero.

Is there anyone in the project who needs to take additional action or has experienced the same issue?

Problem Solved by Lifting Local DDC Size 256mb to 2048mb !
Pool DDC Size Occur this issue…

Also, because my Groom Datable was referring to the Groom Asset in a direct way, the process of building the engine load was added.
Accordingly, the original reason was eliminated by modifying it to refer to TSoftObjecPtr.