Why is axis of rotation of USkeletalMeshComponent not replicated ?


Not sure whether this one is a wanted feature, so i post it here, just in case it might not be.

When i rotate a character, it’s skeletal mesh component rotates around capsule axis on server, but around it’s own axis on client.

It looks like axis of rotation of skeletal mesh component is not replicated.

On following pictures, eyeballs are static meshes and they rotate around capsule both on server and client.

brain is skeletal mesh component and it rotates on different axis on server and clients.

character before rotation:


character after rotation as seen on server (as it should be):


character after rotation as seen on clients (eyes ok, brain not ok because rotated only around its own axis):


Not really a problem for me here, i simply declared brain as a static mesh and stopped using skeletal mesh.

But just in case it might be useful for someone else, i open this question.



Hi ,

I haven’t been able to reproduce this behavior in 4.7.3. Can you show me some screenshots of your character component setup and Blueprint graph that drives rotation? A video may be helpful as well, if that’s something you can make, so I can fully understand what’s happening. Thanks!

Hi ,

Thanks for your answer !

i made a video where i explain and show everything:


I just forgot to show you in video how rotation is handled in code, so here it is:

void AYagPlayer::LookRight(float Value)
	if ((Controller != NULL) && (Value != 0.0f))


I hope it’s more clear with that.



Hey -

Sorry for delayed response. Looking at code in video you sent us my first suggestion would be to use ->AttachTo(RootComponent) as opposed to ->AttachParent = RootComponent

Doing so should give more reliable behavior. If you’re still having replication issue then we may need to see full project in order to do further investigation.

Hey ,

No problem for delay, you guys are doing a great job helping us poor mortals to use ue4^^

By way, there is absolutely no emergency on my side for this one, i am happily using static meshes.

I have tried to modify attachment as you suggested on skelatal mesh, but no luck, behavior is same.

I also used “AttachParent = RootComponent” on static meshes, and they all worked fine.



Hey -

I just wanted to check if you’re still having problems with skeletal mesh replication? I’ve tried to reproduce this issue myself and have not been able to get same behavior as in video you provided. If you still need help with this problem it would be helpful if you could send us your project or a sample project with issue occurring.