When I press eject while playing the game in the editor to fly around, or drag objects it’s unusable. The camera can only rotate so much at a time( I have to click the right mouse button again to rotate more than like 45 degrees ) and selecting objects in the scene is off by a huge amount.
Is this just me or is everyone aware of this? I assume it’s just me since I’ve seen no mention of this at all.
You have to pause the game in order to drag and move objects. I have no idea about the camera. But i noticed the same issue when ejecting i am from ortho camera.
I mean the mouse has to be in the wrong place completely( it doesn’t overlap the actor I’m trying to select ) in order to select it( the raycasting for that is probably off for some reason. )
I have the same problem with camera rotation being restricted when you eject from pawn while playing/simulating. I press right mouse button to rotate the camera and the camera movement is constrained. Did you ever manage to fix this?