Why I can't use more than one chorded action for Left mouse button?

I don’t know what I am missing, but it appears it’s impossible to use more than one chorded action(which is really annoying feature). Here I set up my different attack system and I managed successfully to have Light attack with Left mouse button pressed and heavy Attack with the same but when shift is down. I want to have another one called Fall attack , but with left Alt down. But it doesn’t work this time and fires it without to consider that Alt is down. do you have any suggestions or its truee that i can’t have more than one chorded action for single Key?

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We are having exactly the same issue, I might believe at this point this a UE bug.

There’s a workaround that I’ve found is you add a bogus mapping in your action it will “see it” as a different action thus not being eaten by the action defined above.

IE in your example if add a bogus keystroke to IA_FallAttack example “hold home button”, then IA_FallAttack will be seen as a different input than IA_LightAttack_Jiro, and it will be triggered.
Clearly, it’s absolutely awful but the only other option is to fix it in the UE source itself, something that we might have to do while we wait for a possible fix in 5.4

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Thank you for the response! I will try the bogus thing. Hopefully it will be fixed in 5.4!