Why don't the blueprints recognize my character?

For starters, excuse me for being noob. I will try to describe my problem as clearly as I can.

I had quite a few blueprints created which worked fine (triggerboxes in ares that played an audio file, opening gates etc.) and I don’t know what happend because all the blueprints now seem to just don’t react to my character entering the triggerboxes, camera changes don’t cast to my character. Nothing.
I have to say I replaced the basic third person character with a new model, animated it, it worked for a while and I don’t know what change caused it to don’t work anymore.
The game mode is ThirdPersonGameMode and I changed the default pawn class to BP_PorculetCharacter (My new character blueprint)

I can provide any screenshot you ask me. Please help me, it’s my second game and it’s pretty hard for me.

This is the first blueprint that should work because I placed it on the player spawn area. It should play a simple audio file. But it doesn’t

Is there any way to link my new character blueprint to all the other blueprints? I think some change made the blueprints to don’t see the player anymore. They are made correctly but they don’t get triggered when I enter their area.

Could you please provide screenshot of your blueprint where you’re doing the triggering functionality?

Are you playing the audio component? What significant change will execute on overlap? I don’t see any.

Try printing a string to see if it is executing.