Why does this compiles ?

So this compiles and does not throw any error, despite the translation being set to 0,0,0 (guess the scale and rotation were set to Identity too)

PlayerTranslatedTransform := transform:
      Translation := Character.GetTransform().Translation,
      Rotation := WinVFXSpawnerProp.GetTransform().Rotation
      Scale := WinVFXSpawnerProp.GetTransform().Scale

When I found it out it was such a relief :smiley:

For those who didn’t find out what’s wrong, there’s a coma that’s not supposed to be here, and despite the random unwanted indent under it, I’m pretty sure that 2 additional constants were being created without raising any warning or error in the compiler nor in game!

@im_a_lama Thank you for your report! We would like to look into this further, would you be able to submit a bug report using the form available here? Fortnite Creative

Well, not really, I’m actually preparing a big thread and not willing to file a report for each of the bugs I encountered :smiley: