Hello, I’m using a tutorial to learn my way around UE4, things seem to be going well until painting my objects(or do i call them meshes?)
When I try to use a concrete tile (or any other material) on my floor and or ceiling, it doesn’t work properly. It’ll show me the tiles for a second and then become all weird i don’t even know how to explain it properly. When I have the room Unlit, its just a grey floor no tiles no defining points, turn on the light and that happens (pic below)
now the ceiling doesn’t look as bad but i had it tiled, I’m using the Starter materials but i made copies of them into a separate folder to make sure i dont screw up the originals. When I use it on my wall where i have bricks right now, it works perfectly fine, and the fella in the tutorial had no issues either.
I’m at a total loss.
Also I’d like to point out that material’s hes using which are the same as mine look better in his video than they do mine, not sure why that is, i am using the same values and blueprint set up as he is. Not sure if its because he’s using 4.0 and I’m using 4.10.
Any help is immensely appreciated, thanks in advance.