Why can't game module be found?

No entiendo???


Hey slam,

You might need to redownload project. There may be a corrupted or missing file from your initial download.

Let us know if that worked!

You need to compile c++ code(if it has any) for samples before you run them.

If there is no solution file, make a .bat in folder with your .uproject folder and add something like following

call "%~dp0..\..\UnrealEngine\GenerateProjectFiles.bat" "%~dp0StrategyGame.uproject" -Game -Engine

Personally I’m using a relative path for the .bat file, you’ll probably want to use an absolute path. Also, If you’re just compiling game code and aren’t modifying engine code, you can skip adding the “-Engine” parameter.

NO, continua igual todos los juegos que descargo del MarketPlace que contienen código C++ me hacen lo mismo. Estoy utilizando UE4 desde el codigo fuente en la unidad D y los proyectos bajan a la unidad C.

Aun continua diciendo lo mismo :


Are you trying to run Strategy Game using 4.1.0 preview by any chance? If so you need to re-compile it using preview build.

In order to associate your .uproject files with 4.1.0 preview build, go to “UnrealEngine-4.1.0\Engine\Build\BatchFiles” and run “RegisterShellCommands.bat” as administrator.

When you right click your .uproject file and choose “Generate Visual Studio Files”, produced .sln is now associated with preview build. Once you successfully build Shooter Game using “Development Editor” and “Win64”, you should now be able to open it with 4.1.0.

I hope this helps.
