I’ve downloaded the Shootergame sample from Marketplace. I cannot find the input events? In which blueprint, graph are placed the input events?
Hi ,
Shootergame is a mix of both blueprints and C++. A lot of the functionality is scripted in C++. Are you looking for a specific event already written or are you trying to implement something new?
I’m trying to create a FPS game. I’ve set the input’s(move->WASD, fire->left click, etc). A don’t know where to set(which blueprint) these inputs. I was watching the “Introduction to Third Person Blueprint game” on , but i want to see a more complex game as an example. Thanks for Help!
Hi ,
These inputs should either be done in a character blueprint or within a player controller blueprint. This varies depending on what you are trying to do. If you are going to have multiple pawns that your player can possess I would highly recommend doing these in the event graph of a player controller. However, the shootergame example in particular has most of its inputs in c++.