When r.Shaders.Symbols=1, compiling Shader in the background causes a fatal memory leak

This is a must-have bug. The steps to reproduce are as follows:

Download and compile the engine from GitHub,
uncomment r.Shaders.Symbols=1 in ConsoleVariables.ini
(I will also uncomment r.ShaderDevelopmentMode=1 / r.Shaders.Optimize =0 /
r.Shaders.Symbols=1 / r.Shaders.SkipCompression=1 ),
create a new project, after opening some Shaders will be compiled in the background,
the memory usage of UnrealEditor will increase irreversibly until Crash due to full memory.

I tested it on two computers and it can be reproduced,
using I7 10700K/I9 10900K, 32/64G memory, RTX2070, win10 20H2

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