When I launch UE4, it's not using the same 'version' of my game as PIE =/

Hey guys.
Sorry if this is in the wrong section.

I’ve been using UE4 for a few weeks now, and usually when I run into a problem, I can either work it out, or find the answer by googling around. But this particular issue has had me stumped for a few days. I’m using version 4.7.

So, I have a level, with a landscape, which works fine. But if I change anything in the level, and launch, I can’t see any changes. It works fine if I play in editor, no problems. I’m having trouble explaining what’s happening here, so I took some screenshots:

http://i.imgur.com/Zf6CtAT.jpg Here’s my editor, in which I’ve added a static mesh.
http://i.imgur.com/IYq7Mfn.jpg Here’s what it looks like when I play in editor. No problems, the mesh is right there.
http://i.imgur.com/MS2Nba0.jpg Here’s what it looks like when I “Launch” my game into a separate window. No mesh!

Things that I’ve tried:

  • Clicking “Play > Standalone Game” works fine.
  • Cooking the content makes no difference.
  • Saving everything.
  • Closing and reopening the engine.
  • Packaging the content and running the exe.
  • Changing the default level to something else, and then back.
  • Adding things to another level.
  • Creating a new level. - This works!

I’m totally out of ideas, and I’m really stuck. If anyone can give me any suggestions to try, or a solution, I’d be SO grateful! I can give any additional information or screenshots if required.



I sorta fixed it. I deleted the StagedBuilds, Backup and Autosaves folders, and it worked fine. But now that I’ve made some more changes, it’s doing the same thing again. It’s launching the game from a previous ‘state’ again.

Update 2

Nope. Now deleting those folders doesn’t make it work again. So confused.

Still having the same issue, does anyone know what this could be? It’s super frustrating!

It looks like your lighting isn’t built

Building my lighting and then exporting makes no difference :frowning:

Edit: It seems to be mostly ok now, the only thing I can notice different between the export and PIE, is a decal isn’t showing, and the capsule for an actor feels wrong.

Would there be any reason an actor’s internals would be behaving weird only in a packaged version of the game?

Here’s an album with some screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/eRbwC
Notice how the targeting decal shows up in PIE but not in the packaged version.

Ok this is getting ridiculous.

I’ve cooked, compiled and build many times over in every order I can think of, and it’s still giving me some SUPER old version when I launch.

I’ve made heaps of progress today, and I want to be able to package it up and show someone, but I can’t!

I cooked, built and compiled, and clicked Play, and got this screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/g8GiSfF.jpg
Then I clicked launch, and got this: http://i.imgur.com/bjH66ME.jpg

This is so retarded. Why can’t anyone tell me what’s going on? It’s frustrating me beyond belief.

For some reason it’s also saying that there’s 3 unbuilt objects, and it doesn’t matter how many times I build, it still says it.

This is probably the kind of thing you should file under bug on answerhub and get an epic person to look at it.


But I’ve just exported it to a different location, and now it seems to be working, except there’s no models: http://i.imgur.com/enbm6El.jpg