When Can I upload my models in to marketplace?

Hello. I am a Graphic artist who was using Unity and UDK both.
I personally Think, UDK’s weakeness(compared with Unity) were, expensive price and less Convinent and intuitive UI.
But since Epic released UE4, those r even better than Unity. I really like this. I felt epic knows what they have to help developers.

But unfortuneatly, there is last issue. it is asset store.
Unity has really many kinds of many assets in their Asset store. it makes developers helps eachother and make money too.

I know epic already knows this issue so they have market place but, it is not opened yet.
opening this market is quite important because having nice assets needs enought time.
Now, I can get only epic’s Assets.

Is epic has any schedule for opening it for users?


I can understand your frustration but Epic has not made any official announcements for when this will be open for users generated content.

Keep checking here on the forums in the ‘Announcements’ Section and/or our main page UnrealEngine.com for any updates! :slight_smile:

Thank you!


OK~ I C. But in my company, management wanna choose engine for new project. I have to give a presentation things which engine is better for our project.
For now, UE4 is much better than Unity but Buying Assets is quite big advantage because we r small team. We dont have enought time for make all assets ourselves.
It seems, UE4 is develiped very well for indi developers but, for them, asset store is very important point. I will keep checking~. Thanks your reply :> have a nice day~

Here is the thing , you can actually use assets in unity asset store in unreal . you buy your asset from the asset store , you open it in unity , then export it to .fbx , import to unreal .
I understand this is extra work , but well , better than nothing .
And also there is a free version of unity available .

There are also a variety of non-unity tied assets out there on the internet sites like mixamo and turbosquid give access to such assets that aren’t engine specific.

What’s the fuss with the assets?

I find it weird devs wanting to use ‘used’ models.

Yeah, me too … rather using more unique ones : D

Hey LEOLEE - we are now taking early submissions for Marketplace, check it out! - https://www.unrealengine.com/blog/marketplace-now-open-for-early-submissions

Well out of the box UE4 is as dumb as a brick and as about as useful as an Ipod with out music where the need is not for hero items but common stock items that it is cheaper to buy fit to finish assets with out having to reinvent the wheel.

Materials for example is a time consuming vampire that can take hours just to make a single “perfect” material that fits with what you are working on.

More so.

Having a catalog of usable assets creates inspired design starting out with nothing more than digital doodling.