Whats wrong with my photos?

Can’t see whats wrong with these photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/6wZV6eNHbCnhzLLs8

I’ve tried a couple photogrammetry programs and none work on them. Any tips?


A few things I spotted:

  1. is this all the photos? minimum should be 36 per orbit (i.e. model rotates 10 degrees between each shot - typically I would shoot 72 images and 6 orbits so 432 in total

  2. the lighting is uneven, you can see specular highlights which can cause alignment issues - reality capture says “garbage in, garbage out”

  3. the background - it looks like the model has moved but not the background, which will cause alignment issues as the software wont be able to determine that this is a step you have taken - try to either move the camera around the object or use a plain black background and rotate the model - more info in the link below :slight_smile:

I recommend checking out this course which will point you in the right direction for future captures, it really delves into how to approach different types of objects and setups

Good luck - make sure to show us how you get on - any questions I’m happy to help!

my experience here is limited, but when i was doing such things, from your photos i’d construct a pretty good table with a chair behind and some noise at the center of the table. Probably modern software can solve the problem from your photos but for simple setups the scene should be constant, the camera should move around the scene, not modify scene for each shot.

As for number of shots i’d said it’s enough to get somehow recognisable result

You need to reshoot I’m afraid.

Move the camera around the object, don’t move the object (unless you can isolate the object against a featureless background). The software is confused as the features of the background and table do not change between the images.