Whats the pipeline for choosing a camera?

I’m trying to figure out how I can modify the first person camera for my game (based roughly on shootergame) and I can’t for the life of me find where the camera for first person is setup. I’ve got my own third person camera (camera and camera arm) so i can effect those properly, but I want to do both first and third person camera stuff (essentially some post process effects for fire suppression).

So my question is… does anyone know where the default first person camera for shootergame can be accessed? I mean I tried following the actual camera path and went back as far as playercameramanager, but that doesn’t seem to actually refer to any camera pointers. So I’m a tad confused and thought maybe someone had traced through this stuff already.


Correct. Player camera managers don’t actually use camera components out of the box. ShooterGame’s implementation also opted not to. However, both camera components and camera managers eventually store the results of their camera logic in a FMinimalViewInfo, which is what eventually gets used by the renderer.

It is possible to tell the camera manager to use a camera component. I haven’t ever tried it myself, but following the trail of the bFindCameraComponentWhenViewTarget flag gives a fair idea how it’s done. There’s some decent but slightly out of date information in the Camera documentation as well.

If that’s too confusing to follow, you can probably just subclass your own PlayerCameraManager and force it to use your camera component however you like.

Thanks a lot ! I found that variable back when I was digging around, but the documentation does suggest I can toggle that (and hopefully just enable/disable the appropriate camera).