My team includes designers, musicians and programmers. In order to access features that are only available through building the engine from source I’ve checked out from my github account an unmodified copy of the source and built it on my local workstation.
When attempting to open my project file (4.4.1) I get the dialog asking me to convert my project. I haven’t followed through with this because if I do so; it’s likely to break access for the other members of my team that will never want to run the source version of the engine on their workstations.
Is there a suggested workflow for running both the source version, as well as binary versions, on the same project (version controlled through perforce) without breaking things? We don’t plan on making any changes to the engine code itself but would like to have a few of the features that purportedly building from source restored to us.
Repo just needs 4 things
Rest is generated just for user’s machine and needs to be ignored, here is ignore file i’m using:
You won’t avoid uproject conversion, it happens between source code and binary as i generates diffrent version numbers and can’t be ignored because uproject is needed to generate things, but if all your teammates use same version of UE4 the “conversion” should only change numbers inside uproject and thats it, so should be fine. we have same thing with our project and yet nothing gone wrong because of it
I’m attempting to build the engine from source but maintain my teammates working on binary versions (from the launcher.) The ignores file is helpful and the minimum requirements are useful as well but that doesn’t address the specific problem of having to convert even between using a build from the commit tag for the version number increment to 4.4.1 and the launcher 4.4.1 version.
You mean laucher whats to convert things? …then ignore the launcher and open project by double clicking uproject. Version selector will most likely open anyway but as i said as long as x.y.z version of engine fit that conversion wont do anything harmful i does not change anything in uassets or source code
When I did this earlier, I got stuck in a loop where UE wanted to compile the project modules but the Game module couldn’t be rebuilt (from starting UE or building in VS.) Kind of terrifying.