What happened with “Crouch” node in 4.25? It no longer exist! Just empty header without any inputs/outputs. We using this node. How to crouch now? I know that some sort of workaround using Timeline is exist (smooth crouch, we also use it), but we used that “Crouch” node to manage some other important events for our player. Why this node in dead now? Its not marked as deprecated and we still can find it in Palette/RMB and place it. So what is happened with this node? Here is an error message in Output log if i am trying to compile my Character blueprint:
“LogBlueprint: Error: In use pin no longer exists on node Crouch. Please refresh node or break links to remove pin.”
Can anyone provide an answer for this? I have the same question/problem and it still persists in 4.25.2 Source build. Adding the node just puts an empty node, there are no exec lines or other options, it just looks like a button with the title “crouch” but cannot be used.
Interesting fact that Crouch is working well on empty default project (FPS template) for me in 4.25. But in our old-living project it has those issue. I’ve post bug report for that but guy from support did’t tell me something useful. So this is some very mysterious bug… We don’t use any C++ code, we don’t have any plugins which can do something with that (also in empty project engine has the same plugins). I only suspect some Marketplace assets we use for project only. But why it happened on 4.25 only?
All is well: