What happened to 4.15 physx + bug?

Hi, I would like to know,

what has happened to 4.15 physx because if I load previous version projects averything is different… my project is not working anymore as expected… there is something wrong with friction… for example if u turn wheels it turns like a crazy as it hasn’t recognized slip angles & it also doesn’t have that feeling of weight ("I am using custom wehice I have built from scratch).

Parent & welded children static mesh should become one rigid body right ? why is now parent and welded children separate weights ?

Also there is a bug: we cannot set mass of that welded static mesh actor via blueprints in construction script or begin play.(“only if it has changed to separate weights”) .

Is there some big change to physx itself ? or should this be bug of UE ?


Hi Ralph_El Moon,

As of 4.14, we upgraded to PhysX 3.4. With vehicles, you will have to make some changes to adapt to the new physics system.

Welded objects have separate mass so that the center of mass can be calculated correctly.

Thx for your important reply, i needed to know it it is bug or new standard… I have sucessfully reworked my project to adpant this, but still bug occurs when u want to setoverridemassinkg for theese childrens via blueprint in construction stript or beginplay. Mass will not change.

Hi Ralph,

I’m sorry, but I don’t understand what you’re saying here. Is the SetOverrideMassInKg issue a separate problem from what you originally reported? If it is, I’ll need you to give me some more details so that I can reproduce the issue.