I have a masterBP for all my weapons and then different weapon types are children of this. I’m setting the class defaults to what I want for each weapon but CurvedSwordBP keeps resetting all the default variables back to the parent class.
I saw a bug report from 4.17 (i think) but it’s marked as solved.
Am I setting something up wrong? Is this an issue with the engine or something I’m doing?
The first thing I can think of that might be causing this is that the masterBP somehow gets multiple instances or gets its previous instance deleted and a new one created somehow. For more information we would need to see the work I’m afraid
Could be something wrong with how the newly adapted variables are saved.
I haven’t actually set anything up properly with it yet. For testing I had it set up so that pressing 1 would spawn an actor (child of CurvedSword) and attach it to the socket. Otherwise I’m only getting variables from MasterWeaponBP in the character.
If I save the project, close the editor and reopen it, all the class defaults in CurvedSwordBP are reset to the ones in MasterWeaponBP.
I’m not sure what work I’d have to show because I’ve not put any code in the weapons themselves yet and have nothing setting any of the variables in them.
Just ended up deleting all the items and masters and remaking them because it was quicker than sinking time into troubleshooting it. The new classes don’t get their variables reset after restarting the engine.
I thought this fixed it but whenever a blueprint is used in the spawn actor from class node here it’s class defaults get reset to the parents on editor restart.
Deleting the node causes the object to not reset on editor restart, but adding anything there resets it’s class defaults.