Basically i have changed the UE FPS manneqiunn to a 3rd person.
I have attached the gun in the preview animation adding a socket and that works fine
but when i attach the gun in the player BP it is glued to the floor. Its unmovable.
This make me think that somewhere the gun (and player) is locked.
Any help to where i should be looking is greatly appreciated.
You should set the transform location of the gun to (0,0,0) and add offset after that. It seems that your location offsets are huge, that may be why its very off.
Thanks for the reply.
Those high numbers might come from me trying to move the weapon.
No matter what I type in or change, the weapon will always stay in the same place.
That is why suspect it has some settings that take priority over what I do, I just don’t know where this could be.
I can not get independent control of the weapon.
I believe I should have the Mobility bar below the Location, Rotation, Scale section.
The right gun socket is attached to the bone “hand_r” or is it created at the root of the skeleton?
The socket needs to follow the hand bone during test animations.
Are you using any blueprints to attach the gun inside of the actor or is it purely based on hierarchy?
You can also use the attach actor to component node with the socket name, with snap to options for position rotation and scale.