Want to create a bp that can store data off the primary actor, but be attached for lator use

“want to create a bp that can store data off the primary actor, but be attached for later use.”

Ok here is the breakdown

I have my rpg player which means I need stupid amount of stat information. now this issues I’m having I’m sure is just a simple lack of understanding but I have made my way work and it fails at the same time.

Ok so in this picture it shows my method of using an “actor component” which I believe based on the tool tip that I can add and remove any of these with a call command such as “add ac human” in this case. then I can use any of the variables or functions stored there in similar to a actor blueprint.

also in this picture it shows that I am partially correct. as I add the component I can pull from it and use it there and it worked. not only did it allow me to set it up in this manner it also populated or updated the variables as shown correctly. now these variables are saved to the player main. the idea here is to set up the race such as human by adding an ac which in turn not only in the future may update the player model to the correct looks, but it will give the player base, or starting stats or ability’s “aka racials”

I’m sorry this picture looks a bit doctored un intentional I just got tired of getting it to work this is where it stopped so I filled in some blanks to point out what it should look like.

now the purpose of this step was also going to be used for race, but was used so that I can save the stats from the add option and then call them again further on without listing 9 options and connecting a bunch of lines. I wanted to only do it once, and then call it when I wanted small things from it.

next is an example of that

ok here I am attempting to feed the variable information into a function then call that function to give me the information I want as needed in one of my widgets to display a class name. anyone able to help here?

I found that the answer to my question is that I was working to hard. I really needed to stop pushing off all the code to different blueprints. if I do want to continue down this path the answer lies within the actor class. here I am using a reference to an actor that does not exist